SB25-003 Colorado Assault Weapons Ban

2/13/25 UPDATE

In the middle of the night,SB25-003 passed Second Reading in the Colorado Senate with a massive amendment that would “allow” people to still purchase the banned guns (semi-auto rifles, shotguns, and gas-operated pistols with detachable magazines) they have taken a hunter safety course and a firearm safety course that would be managed by CPW, or without the CPW classes, take an undefined 12 hour course over two days, and apply for gun buyers license complete with fingerprints and a background check that would be overseen by your sheriff and CBI. READ THE AMENDMENT

In short, the ruling class would like to offer us peasants an opportunity to buy our rights back.

Senate Republicans requested a fiscal note on the bill WITH the big amendment (the bill as introduced had a $0 fiscal note on it). Fiscal note came back at $1.8 million. This is significant because the legislature is currently dealing with a nearly $1 billion budget shortfall this year. READ THE FISCAL NOTE

The bill still has at least one more vote needed in he Senate before it would move over to the House Chamber. We will continue to dismantle this bill until it’s dust. Stay connected for action items.

1/28: Passed Senate State, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
2/1: Delayed Full Senate Vote
2/7: Delayed Full Senate Vote AGAIN
2/13: Passed 2nd Reading in Senate with massive amendments
2/18: 3rd Reading and Final Senate Vote Scheduled

Contact State Senators:

You can find Democrat State Senate phone numbers on our Elected Officials page.

Call them and tell them to vote no on SB25-003!

Contact Governor Polis:


Colorado SB25-003 was introduced in the State Senate by sponsors Tom Sullivan and Julie Gonzalez, along with Andrew Boesnecker and Meg Froelich in the House. Despite the failure of similar, albeit less extreme, legislation in 2023 and 2024, this bill is poised to pass unless there is significant public opposition. As introduced, the bill has 18 co-sponsors in the Senate, exactly the number of votes needed to pass in that chamber, and 25 co-sponsors in the House, where it requires a similar majority. Governor Jared Polis, who publicly opposed the bills in 2023 and 2024, has not made his position clear this year, raising questions about if he’s really willing to be known as the governor who actually did come after the hunting rifles

1. What the Bill Bans: SB25-003 is an extreme ban that targets any semi-automatic rifle or shotgun that can accept a detachable magazine, as well as semi-automatic pistols that operate with a gas-reloading system and can accept a detachable magazine. Due to the bill’s contradictory language, specifically around pistols, it could ban far more than gas operated platforms. If passed, the law would give the Colorado Attorney General authority to further define and interpret the language. Also included in the bill is a vague definition of “rapid-fire devices,” which it classifies as “dangerous weapons”, banning bump stocks and anything that can increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic firearm. Make no mistake, this is a sweeping ban that eliminates access to most modern semi-automatic weapons for everyday civilians by banning the sale, purchase, transfer, and manufacture (law enforcement is exempt).

2. Worse Than Other States:
This legislation takes a very severe approach compared to other assault weapons bans across the country. While states like California, New Jersey, Maryland and others have focused on the combination of the firearms ability to accept a detachable magazine and specific cosmetic features, like a pistol grip or barrel shroud, SB25-003 skips these specifics. It broadly bans any firearm fitting a general description: semi-automatic operation with detachable magazines. This not only broadens the scope dramatically but the bill also includes other types of firearms, like shotguns and pistols. This makes the Colorado bill far more sweeping than anything we’ve seen in the nation.

3. The “Magazine Ban” Spin Being Pushed by Bill Sponsors: Bill sponsors and bill drafters are claiming this is “Legislation to Close the State’s High-Capacity Magazine Ban Loophole” yet the bill text reveals the true goal is to eliminate semi-automatic firearms through a sweeping ban. The bill has nothing to do with magazines. The bill sponsors – or the bill drafters – or probably both, are lying to the citizens of Colorado with this misleading “magazine” language.

4. Colorado is the Test State for Experimental Legislation: This is brand new, never seen before bill language and there will be unintended consequences. The experimental aspect of the law underscores the very likely possibility of discovering significant issues only after it has been implemented, affecting safety, practical firearm use, and legal consequences with fiscal impacts on the state budget.

5. Serious Safety Concerns – An Accident Waiting to Happen:
According to bill sponsors, the desired outcome of the ban is for people to use firearms with fixed magazines that load from the top. Removable magazines in modern firearms are a critical part of safe operating protocols – making it fast, simple and certain that you have removed ammunition from a gun. Fixed magazines make the firearm risky to unload, potentially leading to dangerous practices. For example, individuals might leave guns loaded for lack of an easier way to clear them, increasing the risk of accidents, especially in homes with children. Alternatively, users will be forced to choose between shooting the firearm to clear it, or attempting risky disassembly of a loaded gun based on unreliable videos found online. Any of these options will lead to increased negligent discharges. This is a critical oversight in this legislation and everyone should be worried.  

6. Constitutional and Fiscal Implications: SB25-003 is a scope of Constitutional infringement this country has never seen before. This makes it a prime candidate for legal challenges that could reach as high as the Supreme Court. The anticipated case of Snope v. Brown could also potentially overturn this bill, rendering it ineffective. Either way, the state will be shouldering significant legal costs. This potential financial waste, coupled with the data-backed ineffectiveness of the law, should give every Colorado lawmaker pause for concern.

7. Blowback Panic Buying: The introduction of such a restrictive bill will trigger an immediate surge in “blowback panic buying” firearm purchases. This not only contradicts the bill’s intent to reduce firearms in circulation but also exacerbates the situation by increasing the number of guns in homes in a very short period, potentially raising risks rather than mitigating them. Panic buying of firearms is well documented.

8. Effectiveness on Crime Reduction: There is no evidence to suggest that restricting access to these firearms will reduce violent crime rates. Over the last 12 legislative sessions, the legislature passed 23 gun control laws, with 20 of them passed in the last 5 years. With each new bill, lawmakers promised greater safety. Yet, as Colorado gun laws grew much stricter, the data shows they had the opposite effect on violent crime. The murder rate more than doubled between 2013 and 2022, and of those murders, historically the murder rate for rifles and shotguns is 0.089 per 100k population. That means that for every 100,000 people in Colorado, less than one tenth of a person is murdered with the firearms targeted by this ban.

9. The Penalties for Violations: A first offense is classified as a misdemeanor, with a second offense escalating to a felony. Additionally, firearm dealers who are found to have violated the provisions of this bill will have their state permits revoked.

10. When it’s Gone, It’s Gone. This bill seeks to ban the sale, transfer, and manufacture of nearly all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns that accept detachable magazines, as well as certain pistols. This sweeping legislation would make it impossible for law-abiding citizens to replace firearms that are lost, stolen, or destroyed.