Last updated: 2/17/25

Bill Number | Title | RFOR Position | Sponsor(s) | Committee | Status | Description |
SB25-003 | Semi-Auto Gun Ban / Assault Weapons Ban | Oppose | Sullivan Gonzales Froelich Boesenecker | Sen State, Veterans & Military Affairs | • Senate 3rd Reading 2/18 • Passed Senate 2nd Reading 2/13 • Passed Senate Cmte 1/28 | Prohibits the sale, manufacture or purchase of semi-automatic weapons that use detachable magazines. Bans bump stocks and rapid fire trigger activators in Colorado. |
SB25-034 | Voluntary Do-Not-Sell Firearms Waiver | Oppose | Kipp Boesenecker | Sen State, Veterans & Military Affairs | • Awaiting Senate Vote Schedule • Passed Senate Cmte Hearing 2/6 | Voluntarily waives the right to purchase a firearm. |
HB25-1062 | Penalty for Theft of Firearms | Support | Armagost Duran Hinrichsen | House Judiciary | • House Cmte Hearing 2/18
Upon Adjournment (approx 10AM) | Makes theft of a firearm a
class 6 felony, regardless of the firearm’s value. Subsequent violations,
including multiple firearms stolen in the same criminal incident, are
separate class 5 felonies. |
HB25-1055 | Repeal Firearm Dealer Requirements & State Permit | Support | Brooks | House
Business Affairs & Labor | • House Cmte Hearing 2/27
1:30PM | Repeals the requirement that a firearm dealer have a state permit. |
HB25-1133 | Requirements for Sale of Firearms Ammunition | Oppose | Duran Mullica | House Business Affairs & Labor | • House 2nd Reading & Vote 2/19 • Passed House Cmte Hearing 2/13 | Raise the age to buy ammunition to 21; require ammunition sales to require vendor help; online ammunition sale requirements and restrictions. |
HB25-1128 | Income Tax Credit for Firearm Safety Device | Support | Espenoza Mullica | House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs | • House Cmte Hearing 2/20 Upon Adjournment (approx 10AM) | Creates a new income tax credit equal to the purchase price of a firearm safety device (such as a gun safe). |
HB25-1164 | Constitutional Carry of Handgun | Support | Wienberg | House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs | • House Cmte Hearing 2/24 1:30 PM | Enact the legal right to carry a handgun without a permit in public. |
HB25-1250 | Gun Violence Prevention & Parents of Students | Oppose | Hamrick Cutter | House Education | • Introduced 2/12 | Requires the Colorado Office of Gun Violence in
the department of public health and environment to post the office’s gun
violence prevention materials in an accessible manner on the office’s
website for school districts. |
HB25-1238 | Gun Show Requirements | Oppose | Jospeph Camacho Kipp | House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs | • House Cmte Hearing 2/24 1:30PM | Establishes new regulations for gun shows in Colorado. It sets requirements for gun show promoters and vendors, including security measures, liability insurance, vendor qualifications, and firearm sales procedures. |
HB25-1225 | Intimidation in Elections Rules | Oppose | Woodrow | House State, Civic, Military, & Veterans Affairs | • House Cmte Hearing 2/24 1:30PM | Creates new laws expanding the definition of election-related activities and criminalizes gun owners who may interact with others about elections, including law enforcement. |
HB25-1232 | Liability When Means of Self-Defense Prohibited | Undecided | Luck | House Judiciary | • Introduced 2/11 | Creates a liability for harm suffered on another’s property when a person is not allowed the means to defend themselves on the property. |
SB25-158 | State Agency Procurement & Disposal of Weapons | Oppose | Sullivan Gonzales Froelich Brown | Senate State, Veterans & Military Affairs | • Senate Cmte Hearing 2/18 2:00PM | Limit the number of firearms Colorado residents can purchase each month. |
TBD | Firearm Purchase Limits | Oppose | Woodrow | TBD | • To Be Introduced | Limit the number of firearms Colorado residents can purchase each month. |
• Mail Your Ballot. If you receive a mail-in ballot, you can fill it out and drop it in the mail but if you’re worried it may not arrive in time, use a 24 hour drop box or vote in-person instead.
• Drop Off Your Ballot. There are hundreds of ballot drop off locations across the state, but you must drop it off at a location in your county. To find ballot drop off locations, click here.
• Early Voting. Colorado allows early voting in-person at certain locations (just take your ballot with you if you have one). To find your local in person early voting locations, click here.
• Vote In Person On Election Day. Polls are open from 7am to 7pm. Yes, you can vote in-person on election day just like the old times! Find election day in-person voting locations here.
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How To Vote In Colorado