SB25-003 places a blanket ban on semi-automatic rifles and shotguns that accept detachable magazines, no exceptions (except for law enforcement). The bill also bans semi-automatic pistols that use gas to automatically reload after firing and can accept a detachable magazine.
2/13/25 UPDATE
In the middle of the night, SB25-003 passed Second Reading in the Colorado Senate with a massive amendment that would “allow” people to still purchase the banned guns (semi-auto rifles, shotguns, and gas-operated pistols with detachable magazines) they have taken a hunter safety course and a firearm safety course that would be managed by CPW, or without the CPW classes, take an undefined 12 hour course over two days, and apply for gun buyers license complete with fingerprints and a background check that would be overseen by your sheriff and CBI. READ THE AMENDMENT
In short, the ruling class would like to offer us peasants an opportunity to buy our rights back.
Senate Republicans requested a fiscal note on the bill WITH the big amendment (the bill as introduced had a $0 fiscal note on it). Fiscal note came back at $1.8 million. This is significant because the legislature is currently dealing with a nearly $1 billion budget shortfall this year. READ THE FISCAL NOTE
The bill still has at least one more vote needed in he Senate before it would move over to the House Chamber. We will continue to dismantle this bill until it’s dust. Stay connected for action items.
1/28: Passed Senate State, Veterans & Military Affairs Committee
2/1: Delayed Full Senate Vote
2/7: Delayed Full Senate Vote AGAIN
2/13: Passed 2nd Reading in Senate with massive amendments
2/18: 3rd Reading and Final Senate Vote Scheduled
Contact State Senators:
You can find Democrat State Senate phone numbers on our Elected Officials page.
Call them and tell them to vote no on SB25-003!
Contact Governor Polis:
After over 12 hours of public testimony, 10 of which was solidly against the bill, the House Judiciary Committee passed HB24-1292 “Prohibit Certain Weapons Used in Mass Shootings” (their sneaky way of saying “Assault Weapons” ban) on 3/19/24 on a party-line vote of 7-3.
From here it will need to go to a debate and vote in the full House Chamber. This is scheduled on the legislative calendar, but they continue to lay it over each day, meaning it isn’t being heard but reappears on the calendar the next day. It also means it could go to that full vote any day.
This bill does NOT currently have a prime sponsor in the Senate, something that is required for it to be scheduled in the Senate Chamber and eventually become law.
Take this time to contact your State House representative and let them know you are oppose to this bill. You can find legislator contact info HERE. You can also begin reaching out to your State Senators.
This bill could easily clear the House Chamber but last week House Majority Leader Monica Duran told the Colorado Sun that if this bill does not get a Senate sponsor, it may never go to a vote of the full House Chamber. Instead they will continue to lay it over daily until the session ends. Forcing a two-day long debate on the house floor over the bill, and then making vulnerable Democrats vote on it, is just not worth the political capital if they know it’s dead in the senate. We continue to watch it closely.
Please keep the pressure on. We will keep you updated as it moves forward. If it finds a prime sponsor in the Senate, it will be scheduled for another public committee hearing. If it doesn’t, it will stall. This is where we can make an impact and let the Senate know they do not want to touch this bill this late in the legislative session.
It must pass both the State House and State Senate chambers to make it to the governor’s desk to become law.
Colorado Gun Law Could Have Disarmed Johnny Hurley
Two days prior to a violent madman with a vengeance being killed by an armed citizen with a concealed carry permit, Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed a bill that will allow 3,143 different localities in the state to ban concealed carry.
SB21-256 Local Regulation of Firearms would have done this.
Gun Control Groups Giffords And Brady Among Recipients Of Corononavirus Relief
Recently released records show two of the country’s most active gun control groups received Coronavirus relief during the pandemic shut down in the form of Paycheck Protection Loans.
The Brady Center To Prevent Gun Violence and The Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence both received the loans they likely will not need to reimburse.
On January 1, 2020 Colorado’s Red Flag Extreme Risk Protection Orders ERPO law officially went into effect. This means Red Flag ERPO petitions will start making their way into the courts and orders will be coming out, landing in the hands of law enforcement who will then be responsible for serving them and confiscating firearms.
There is a lot to learn about this downright dangerous and unconstitutional law.
If you or someone you know is Red Flagged, the Red Flag Resource Center wants to know. This effort is a collaboration between Rally for our Rights, civil rights activists, and legal experts. It has all the information you could need about the law, what to do if you’re Red Flagged, along with attorney resources. They will also be tracking ERPO’s and providing transparency to the public.

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