SPEAK UP! OPPOSE Colorado Gun Control So Extreme It Could Ban Firearm Possession In YOUR Community
Take Action NOW!
Please consider providing public comment/testimony during the hearings! This can be done either in person or remotely. If you are unable to provide public comment (and even if you do) please contact each member of the committees and ask they vote NO on these bills!
SB21-256 Local Regulation Of Firearms
• Repeals Colorado’s 2003 Firearm Preemption Law and replaces it with language that allows localities and municipalities to create their own firearm laws as long as they are not LESS restrictive than state law.
• This bill would allow for any county or municipality to ban the possession, sale, or transfer of a firearm or firearm accessory within their jurisdiction; and would allow any county, municipality, special district, or college campus to ban concealed carry.
House State, Civic, Military & Veterans Affairs Committee Hearing on SB21-256
Monday, May 24
(Note: Four bills will be heard in this same committee. SB21-256 is the fourth bill to be heard.)
Testify in person:
Colorado State Capitol
Denver, CO
Testify via WebEx:
Click here to register
(If you need instructions on how to register via WebEx or what to expect testifying in person, please visit our Legislative Watch page: www.rallyforourrights.com/legislative-watch)
Passed Senate Chamber on May 18, 2021.
HB21-1298 Expand Firearm Background Check Requirements
• Adds 11 misdemeanors to the list of background check disqualifiers.
• Removes the option for FFLs to transfer a firearm to new owner if background check is formally delayed for more than 3 days.
• Extends the time agencies have to review a background check denial from 30 days to 60 days, and allows for indefinite denial without disposition in certain instances.
Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee Hearing on HB21-1298
Tuesday, May 25
(Note: Eight bills will be heard in this same committee. HB21-1298 is the fifth bill to be heard.)
Testify in person:
Colorado State Capitol
Old Supreme Court
Denver, CO
Testify via WebEx:
Click here to register
(If you need instructions on how to register via WebEx or what to expect testifying in person, please visit our Legislative Watch page: www.rallyforourrights.com/legislative-watch)
Passed House Chamber on May 17, 2021.
HB21-1299 Office Of Gun Violence Prevention
• Creates a new entity within Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDHPE) called the Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
• This office will be asked to “…increase the awareness of, and educate the general public about, state and federal laws and existing resources relating to gun-violence prevention.” That includes how to safely store guns, how to report a lost or stolen weapon, how to access mental health care and how to utilize Colorado’s Red Flag Law. They will also be tasked with so-called “evidence based” data collection.
• The office will also track and publish what local firearm laws are in place across the state, as they assume SB21-256 will pass (read below about this atrocious bill). They are requesting $3 million dollars for fiscal year 2021-2022.
Senate State, Veterans, & Military Affairs Committee Hearing on HB21-1298
Tuesday, May 25
(Note: Eight bills will be heard in this same committee. HB21-1299 is the seventh bill to be heard.)
Testify in person:
Colorado State Capitol
Old Supreme Court
Denver, CO
Testify via WebEx:
Click here to register
(If you need instructions on how to register via WebEx or what to expect testifying in person, please visit our Legislative Watch page: www.rallyforourrights.com/legislative-watch)
Passed House Chamber on May 17, 2021.
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