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Longmont, CO Advances Gun Control Discussion, Opposition Is Fired UP

The Longmont, Colorado City Council voted to advance a discussion about gun control at this past Tuesday’s meeting. This came after they held a nearly two hour pre-session meeting specific to gun control prior to gaveling in to their regular meeting. The gun control-focused pre-session was not broadcast virtually and did not accept public comment,…

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Longmont, CO Considering 6 Extreme Gun Control Ordinances Including Concealed Carry Ban!

It looks as though Longmont, Colorado may be the next gun control causality in wake of Colorado’s passage of SB21-256, the repeal and replace of the state’s long standing preemption law. Longmont city council has added a “pre-session” to their upcoming meeting schedule to discuss “Gun Safety Laws”. The packet attached to the pre-session agenda…


VIDEO: Leftist Protester Wants AK-47 To “Mow Down” Gun Rights Activists

A group called “Longmont Leads With Love” has been protesting every Saturday in the same spot since Trump was elected in 2016.  This group of mostly baby boomers come together in a small commons area at 6th and Main in Longmont, CO.  Their message varies from week to week and person to person, but wanting…

Florida City Signs Pro-NRA Proclamation, Cites San Francisco’s Vote Declaring NRA A Terrorist Organization

During Vero Beach, Florida’s regular city council meeting on September 17th, the council signed a pro-NRA proclamation.  This was in response to the San Francisco, California Board of Supervisors unanimously voting to declare the NRA a terrorist organization, a move that has since prompted a lawsuit by the NRA. Vero Beach Mayor Val Zudans, MD…

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Longmont, CO Wants to Register Their Gun Owners, Mandate Smart Tech Gun Locks

In a Gun Safety Resolution so extreme it puts Boulder, CO’s so-called “assault weapons” ban to shame, Longmont, CO city council is asking federal and state elected officials to implement laws such as gun registration and requiring gun locks so advanced the technology barely even exists yet, among many other things. On Tuesday, Councilman Tim…