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Virginia Gun Rights Rally Brings 22,000+ People, Guns, Energy – And No Violence

In an inspiring show of solidarity, tens of thousands of gun rights advocates from all walks of life attended a Second Amendment Rally in Richmond, Virginia today.

The rally was part of the Virginia Citizens Defense League’s annual lobby day.  This year it garnered national attention after anti-gun Democrats swept all branches of the legislature last November and promised to pass some of the most egregious gun control the state had ever seen.

Just last week three gun control bills passed the State Senate including expanded background checks to include private sales, one handgun purchase per month limit, and giving local control to the municipalities to prohibit firearms in permitted events or events that should be permitted.  Those bills will now move on to the House of Delegates where anti-gun lawmakers have a large majority.  Governor Ralph Northam has promised to sign the bills.  There are several other gun control measures that may still be introduced this session, including an assault weapons ban and a Red Flag bill.

Leading up to the event, Governor Northam banned firearms inside the capitol and Declared a State of Emergency due to what he was sure would turn to violence.  Potential attendees were being painted as white supremacists and even Nazis by the mainstream media and the gun grabbing groups.  There were whispers that Antifa would show up to disrupt the event and provoke violence.  Then there were suggestions that Antifa was coming to join in solidarity.

You seem to be confused. The Nazi’s are the ones who want to TAKE the guns. That would you be you, your ilk, and your government pawns. #IStandWithVirginia #VirginiaSTRONG #VirginiaRally #2A #SecondAmendmnt #GunRights #Virginia2A

— Rally For Our Rights (@RallyRights) January 20, 2020

As the event started, it quickly became apparent none of that was true as over 22,000 people, many openly carrying firearms, streamed into the city, surrounding the capitol that was enclosed by a fence.  If you wanted to get through the fence onto the capitol grounds, there was as long list of rules and prohibited items.  In the end, those who were armed stayed outside the fence and those who were not could proceed inside onto government grounds.

Check out this exchange between attendees…”United we stand…”

The MSM told you that the #VirginiaRally pro-2A rally in Virginia was really a “white supremacist” rally that would be drought with violence. I guarantee you won’t see this man on @MSNBC or on @CNN – when a black person carries legally they ignore them!pic.twitter.com/GkUsjsIOTy

— Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) January 20, 2020

And as the mainstream media tried to paint the picture of this rally being Charlottesville 2, those on the ground set the record straight.  WATCH!

The hard to swallow truth for these anti-gun lawmakers in Virginia is that gun rights transcends traditional partisan politics and reaches into the hearts of millions.

The right to an armed defense is one of the most critical rights of all – regardless of sex, race, creed, class, sexual orientation, or age.  Gun rights are human rights.

But the real question is what will happen next. My hopes is this fired people up and they’re ready to take it out at the ballot box come 2020 elections. 

Enjoy these images from today’s event.

And we’ve got all your Virginia Second Amendment Rally 2020 merchandise!  Including unisex tees and hoodies, women’s fit tees, mugs and stickers.  All proceeds directly support the fight to defend your guns rights! 

Check it out here: www.rallyforourrights.com/store-4/virginia-2020

Virginia Second Amendment Rally shirts mugs stickers hoodies

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms must always be defended!
Get a sticker for a donation to Rally for our Rights of $5 or more.


No politician who supports gun control should get armed protection paid for by those they are trying to disarm sticker : Rally For Our Rights

(other designs available)

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